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Lawyers in Australia – An Important force in Australian society

Posted by on July 9, 2014

Australians are law-abiding citizens however there are situations and conditions that may put them in conflict with the laws. Fortunately, lawyers in Australia are the best professionals to ask for legal assistance or help. They’re educated and trained to render legal services in all aspects of the law including bankruptcy.

There are two types of lawyers or legal practitioners in Australia: the barristers and solicitors. The barristers are those who work and have specialization in court works and proceedings or those who represent clients in courts. Solicitors are those who brief or assist lawyers in court proceedings or litigations.

Lawyers in Australia are required to meet eligibility requirements before they can practice or give legal services like bankruptcy or to represent any person or business entity in court. They must have completed approved or corresponding academic requirements besides having satisfactory approved practical legal training. They must be fit or a person with good character and must by all means practice wholesome working ethics.

familylawPracticing lawyers in Australia must have Practicing Certification from their home jurisdiction. A practicing Sydney lawyer must have obtained practicing Certification from Sydney jurisdiction before he can render legal services or represent a client in Sydney’s jurisdiction. Practicing in other states like NSW, interstate lawyers must surrender their home jurisdiction Practicing Certificate. There is also the requirement to be admitted by the state’s Supreme Court before they represent a client who had filed for bankruptcy in New South Wales unless their principal home of practice remains.

Lawyers in Australia take a broad range of works including legal research, legal writing and drafting (deals with contracts, wills and testaments), problem solving, facts and legal analysis (drafting and creation of laws and implementing rules), interviewing and communication, advocacy, advising (business, family, community), dispute resolutions. Those who wish to practice in special legal works take additional academic and practical training to become a law specialist in business, corporate, election and family laws. Whereas, a family lawyer Sydney must obtain a Diploma of Law from the Extension Law Committee of University of Sydney or in any Australian accredited Law school.

Top caliber Australian lawyers are products of top and world-ranking Australian Law School like University of Sydney, University of North Dame Australia, University of New South Wales and South Cross University. All Law schools in Australia are accredited by LPAB (Legal Profession Admission Board), which is the government body responsible for making rules in approving and admitting Australian Bar passers into practicing as legal practitioners in any Australian jurisdiction.

Lawyers in Australia are important force in Australian civil society. They play an important role in promoting the common good in the community. They defend people from those who harm people with no good reasons. They help resolve disputes through protections of laws. They help people understand the rule of laws and on how the legal system can help people and the society obtain its goal of living in peace and in contentment while providing good and goodwill among members. Lawyers in Australia are continuously providing more affordable and accessible legal practice as means of improving lives and communities.


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