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Construction Equipment that are Commonly Rented

Construction equipment rentals are in market demand nowadays. Some businesses need extra equipment for their optimization. Included in this market are the delivery of power, air, light, heat, mobile offices, electrical, hydraulic tools, measuring equipment, welding equipment, and communication facilities. Some companies in manned rentals provide certified operators that can be dispatched anytime.

elevatedworkplatformWork areas that cannot be reached by a mere individual would need equipment for him or her to access. Cranes that can be elevated, or have scissors to harvest fruits to reach the unreachable areas would be badly needed in these situations to keep the business going in its most efficient way. This equipment is called aerial work platform (AWP). Aside from its use in business settings, the AWP can also be used during emergency situations such as reaching people in buildings that are collapsing or burning, or even used in television or movie production. In using the AWP, the user stands on the platform and it will use the control deck that can be moved up, down, left, right, forward or backwards.

Another type of AWP is the travel tower operated by qualified operators on any tower job. This equipment has towers that range from various meters high and could even reach up to 90 meters or more. This equipment is commonly used by telecommunication towers, commercial or industrial construction, aerial photography, television broadcasting, property maintenance, mining maintenance, power transmission network, wind farm installations and maintenance, government departments, or vegetation management.

The most common or popular type of AWP is the cherry picker, a bucket located on the back of a truck that can be raised high in the air. This type of equipment was also used by famous music star Michael Jackson. He was not using this for the purpose of building construction or for harvesting cherry, but for his own stunt specifically in extending himself over his audiences. Aside from these uses, businesses that are utilizing a warehouse need this type of equipment for them to reach the top shelves in changing light bulbs.

The AWP is also known as Elevated Work Platform, which is also used to lift or transport huge heavy objects. This equipment can also be used in holding sheets of glass in order to fit it into the top story windows using its clamps. This has a lifting capacity of 8 to 28 tons, and can reach up to four hundred twenty-five feet high.


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