Why bother for a home certification?
Before you can build your dream home, there are frameworks that need to be done before you can actually occupy your home. One of these is your building certification and several inspections are made before a building certification can be issued.
During constructions
Inspections are done for the completion of excavation including placement of formwork as well as placement of steel reinforcing for footing. This is done before pouring concrete on the footing. Inspection is also done in completion of structural framework before any internal lining is placed. For buildings that do not belong to class 1 or 10, inspection is done before completion of reinforced members or as specified by a building certifier.
For those homes with two-storey plan, inspection is done before the second-storey slab is poured. It is the duty of your home builder to inform the certifier if the works may or may not need any inspections.
During completion of work
Once your builder requested for a certification, the certifier will inspect the completion of the building or house. If he finds the completion satisfactorily, it is time for him to issue a certificate of completion. This certification is applied to a building certification company that is authorized to issue such certification. Only when a certification for occupancy is given, the house or building can be used or occupied.
In many cases, home builders and construction companies take the task of applying for the building certification for completion and occupancy. This is to liberate the home owner from the hard work of undergoing the process of application. Besides being very demanding and tasking, there are a lot of stages that have to be completed before a certifier can issue the needed certifications. It is a good thing that there are private certifiers that home builders and constructions can turn to and ease out the tolls of applying and acquiring occupancy certifications. These are trained and qualified certifiers who have the academic plus skills credentials needed in performing the task of building assessments as well as inspections. They have government certification and approval to act and perform the inspection duties and are registered in specified regulating body for issuing certification for completion and occupancy that make their certification valid.
But, why a certification is so important in building your dream home? The answer lies in your need to have a safe house to live for many years.
Why bother for a home certification?,